5 Steps to Mine Perspective Gold for a High Performing Team

by Robin Denise Johnson, Ph.D.

One of the most common mistakes leaders make with multicultural, mixed-gender teams is trying to "homogenize away" the differences. Well-meaning people often make this mistake.

5 Steps to Mine Perspective Gold for a High Performing Team2018-03-26T19:59:03+00:00

His and Her Brains

By Serge Lashutka, M.A, M.B.A.

In the past decade researchers have been studying male and female brains at the microscopic anatomic level and discovering some intriguing gender differences. For years science has known that on average human male brains are larger than female brains. Therefore are males generally smarter? This appears to not be the case. The neurons in the cortex of female brains are actually packed closer together and female brains possess as much as 12% more neurons than males. This may explain how women are able to demonstrate the same level of intelligence with a smaller brain.

His and Her Brains2018-03-26T19:57:53+00:00

The Bully Girl

By Jeanie Litteken

Q: My child is experiencing difficulty with another young girl in her group. The girl enjoys telling the group what to do, how to dress, what to say and how to think.

The Bully Girl2018-03-26T19:56:45+00:00

My Husband and I Can Talk It Over!

By Tammy Hughes

How many times have I heard male GenderSpeak participants state that the program information helped them better understand their wives and female participants state they use the information to better understand their male bosses?

My Husband and I Can Talk It Over!2018-03-26T19:55:09+00:00

Who Do Women Prefer To Work For?

By Pat Heim, Ph.D.

Do you prefer to work for a man or a woman? Gallup has been posing this question since the 1950s. Most men today say they have no preference (57%) yet when women are asked the dominant answer (39%) is that they would prefer to work for a man. Why would this be?

Who Do Women Prefer To Work For?2018-03-26T19:53:26+00:00

Why Gender Diversity in the Workplace Matters

by Pat Heim, Ph.D. and Tammy Hughes

Why has the topic of gender diversity become such a hot button in the corporate world? Research is clear that successful companies tend to “look” like their customers. Businesses, especially those that target female consumers, will be more successful when they have more women in leadership positions.

Why Gender Diversity in the Workplace Matters2018-03-26T19:50:22+00:00

Women Need to Stop Singing “It’s My Party And I Will Cry If I Want To”

by Pat Heim, Ph.D. and Tammy Hughes

Seven Reasons Why Men Aren't Responsible for Failing Gender Initiatives

1. Men are not the problem. The business culture is male; men are just behaving in ways that are "normal" for them. For the most part they are clueless women have a different culture.

Women Need to Stop Singing “It’s My Party And I Will Cry If I Want To”2018-03-26T19:44:19+00:00

How You Can Give Your Career A Fresh Start

by Susan Murphy

Are you just surviving at work—caught up in the day-to-day doldrums of your job? Life is too short to tolerate any sense of dread on Sunday evening as you think about going to work the next day.

How You Can Give Your Career A Fresh Start2018-03-26T19:41:55+00:00

Hardball for Women: 10 Tips

by Tammy Hughes & Pat Heim, Ph.D.

1. Men prefer a leader who has power. Display yours.

2. The meeting doesn't happen in the meeting. Get your ducks in a row before the meeting.

Hardball for Women: 10 Tips2018-03-23T20:42:47+00:00

If Women Ran the World, Would It Be Hard for Men to Get Ahead in Business?

by Tammy Hughes

I recently had a conversation with a man who worked with more than 350 women in an all-female division of an organization in the food and beverage industry. I had heard about his story and was eager to learn from his situation.

If Women Ran the World, Would It Be Hard for Men to Get Ahead in Business?2018-03-23T20:31:29+00:00
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